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Welcome! My name is Melo.

And I want to support you to grieve and to live! How can I assist you!? 

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The Resilience of Grieving Podcast

  • My Grief connection - Sara Cobb

  • Judy Thureson: A Beautiful Tragedy- A mother and son’s infinite love

  • Crystal Partney: Scattering Hope, After Suicide and grief support!

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In 2010 I lost my dad suddenly, then in 2011, I lost my baby Chloe, and After Chloe, I felt like I died inside and all while I was my mother’s caretaker… I then… lost my mom in 2012. I was alone and did not know where to go for support. 

I felt as if no one understood how or what I felt. No one spoke grief. I felt as if I had lost everything. Unknown to me… the community of After Chloe was being birthed…

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